Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beans! Delicious.

What high phosphorus food can I not live without? Beans! However if I can exhibit self control, it is possible to still enjoy beans.

For instance today I made "re-fried" black beans. Don't they look wonderful.

(This was before I put them in the food processor.)

The bad news: I could have easily eaten that in one sitting, instead that is going to be five servings. Sadness.

Delicious Beans:
1/2 medium onion
5-10 basil leaves
1 shallot of garlic
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
1 tsp of ground cumin
1 tbsp of chili powder
2 tbsp of olive oil (plus extra for texture)
1 can (15oz) (Eden Organic) Black Beans

1. Heat olive oil in skillet.
2. Chop onion and saute in olive oil.
3. Grate garlic into skillet.
4. Add basil leaves to skillet. Saute together for about 5 min.
5. Add beans, salt, pepper, ground cumin, and chili powder to skillet. Cook for about 5 - 10 minutes.
6. At this point you could either just eat the whole beans. Or you can mash with a potato masher. Or you can let cool and process in a food processor.
7. If using a food processor, you may wish to add olive oil for a smoother consistency. I for instance add about half a tbsp.

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