Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chicken Salad****

So, I don't ever cook from a recipe...or if there is a recipe, I find it very difficult to follow. Either way, I made chicken salad and did my best to measure everything.


1-2 chicken breasts
1 med shallot
1/2 an orange or yellow bell pepper*
1/2 cucumber (enough to cut into bite size pieces for at least a 1/4 of a cup)
1/4 cup blueberries (go through and hand pick - you don't want mushy food)
1/4 cup of halved seedless grapes (I'd go with red)*
1 tblsp of olive oil
2 tblsp of light mayo**
1/2 tblsp of dijon mustard
pepper (preferably a grinder)
dried italian seaonings(any kind oregano, basil, etc.)
Mrs. Dash (spicy)

makes 4 servings

1. Take shallot, grate until you have about 1/2 teaspoon of grated shallot (you may want to consider closing your eyes or wearing goggles). Mix 1/2 teaspoon of grated shallot with 1/2 tablespoon of Dijon mustard and two tablespoons of light mayo. Put in refrigerator until later.

2. Heat olive oil in skillet. Season chicken with the seasonings. Cook chicken in skillet.

3. Chop rest of shallot. Chop Bell pepper. When chicken is halfway cooked add chopped shallot and bell pepper to skillet. Saute to assure the veggies are cooked on all sides. I would recommend cooking until the shallot caramelizes.

4. Chop cucumber...I usually cut into quarters lengthwise and then cut slices, so they look like little triangles. If you are planning on having left overs, scoop out the seeds first. Set to side.

5. Cut Grapes in half. Set to side.

6. When chicken is done, let cool to room temperature.

7. When cool shred chicken. You can do this with two forks, but I would recommend using your hands.

8. Take mayo mixure from fridge and mix with shredded chicken.

9. Add cooked bell pepper and shallot. Mix.

10. About 30 min before serving add, grapes, blueberries, and cucumbers***. Mix. Let stand in the refrigerator.

*There are a lot of ingredients. If you choose to keep it simple I suggest skipping the bell pepper and grapes.

**You could substitute mayo with olive oil.

***If you think you will have left overs it is best to mix the amount you believe you will need. Grapes and cucumbers have a lot of water in them...if left overnight, you will have watery chicken salad, it is a little gross.

****You are responsible for understanding the nutritional and mineral content of the food you consume. Not me, which is why it is not posted. I do not claim that any of the recipes in this blog necessarily meet the renal diet restrictions. I am NOT a certified dietitian.

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